Sunday 24 November 2013

I’m single, but not searching — Peggy Ovire

Peggy Ovire
My name is Peggy Ovire. I am from Delta State.  Growing up was fantastic and fun. I grew up in a family that loves me. My father has always been there for me and I have a stepsister who is like a mother to me. My mother is late.  I am the last child in a family of six and I run a fashion business. I am also an actress and a model.
I studied banking and finance at the Ambrose Ali University. When I finished school, I decided that working in a bank was not what I wanted to do.

When I was in school, I realised I knew how to combine colours and what to wear to suit my body type.   People were always impressed with my dressing.  Back then, I always taught people how to dress. Being in fashion business is good. I am young and I have young friends who are my customers. They want to look young. I have older ones as well and I know what suits their body type. I know what they want to wear, and how they want to be seen on occasion.

Beauty pageants
As a student in Delta State University, I emerged winner of the Most Beautiful Girl on campus in 2003. That was a stepping stone to other pageants. I went for Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria in 2005 and emerged as the third runner up. That took me to Miss Tourism Delta, which I also won. The last pageant I won was Miss Galaxy International, Nigeria.  I am not thinking of doing more pageants.  I have decided to move forward. Life is in stages. I have left the stage of pageantry; I am going to the next level.

I have featured in many movies, including Worst of Friends; Best of enemies; In a woman’s world; Unknown; Troubled King; among many others.

Life as an actress
People call me based on my previous jobs. If an actor is good with what she does, I don’t think any producer would demand for sex before giving her a role. I have never been sexually harassed.

Striking a balance
I find fulfilment in everything I do at the moment.  It is easy to juggle all of them. I have assistants and sales representatives who stand in when I am not available or when I am on a movie locations.  Modelling doesn’t take too much of my time either because it comes once in a while.

Keeping fit
I watch what I eat. I have discovered that eating right works for me. As much as possible, I stay away from carbohydrates. I eat twice a day at the maximum. Once it is 7pm, no food gets into my stomach, except fruits or water.

Happiest and saddest moments
Specifically, I don’t have any. Sometimes, you are happy, sometimes you are sad. Sometimes, you choose to be sad. Even when you think that something makes you sad, it is actually preparing you for something greater and bigger. I have had loads of happy moments.

I go to the movies with my friends. I like watching them swim, I don’t swim.  We could hang out and have some drinks.

I am single but I am not searching.   My ideal man has to be God-fearing.  The man has to be my best friend. A lady needs someone who understands her and accepts her for who she is.

Style defines who you are.  Even before you introduce yourself, your style should tell people about you. My style depends on the function and how I want people to view me. If I am going to the office I have to dress properly. If it is a weekend and I am going to the cinemas, I have to dress differently too. I am not a one-sided dresser. I dress the way I feel I should. I could put on a pair of jeans and trainers and there are times I wear knickers and a T-shirt. I will never wear a tight jump suit because it does not look good on me. I think every lady should know what flatters her. I love shoes too.

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