Tuesday 29 October 2013

Presidential pilgrimage

President Goodluck Jonathan’s pilgrimage to Israel entered its sixth day today (Tuesday) amidst allegations that he travelled with a large delegation. Here are comments from Nigerians.
Steve Nomor: You don’t really need to go to Israel or Rome to learn good governance, to honour agreements, shun corruption, desist from falsehood, et cetera. The God of Israel is also the God of Nigeria and the Bible they read (if they do) is the same Bible we read in Nigeria; and the holy book teaches all the good things. The pilgrimage, to my mind, is therefore a financial jamboree. I pray God to keep us alive to see if Jonathan and members of his entourage will be different from what they have been when they return.

Kolasaidu: Mr. President, I pray for the sake of Nigerians that when you come back from your pilgrimage, that God gives you the courage to say ‘enough is enough’ to ineptitude in governance and corruption in high places. I pray for God’s guidance for you to re-organise your federal cabinet and the security bodies, to bring in those who can really do the job and not be guided by political exigency; and not to put round pegs in square holes as you were doing before you left for the holy land. Good luck to you, Goodluck.

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