Monday 20 January 2014

Queen Elizabeth Hands Over Power To Prince Charles


England will have a new king soon as Queen Elizabeth hands over the reign of the country to her son, Prince Charles, after years of loyalty and working to make sure her reign is successful, age is turning fast against the Queen and she is gradually relinquish some of the traditional duties to Charles as she approaches her 88th birthday in April, this does not mean that Charles will be joining her in making some key decisions in her weekly briefings with the Prime Minster, David Cameron.
Prince Charles will be seen taking care of England as the new head of state as United Kingdom prepares for his eventual succession to the throne as King, his sons, Princes William and Princes Harry will also play their part in the new set-up, with both assuming far more responsibility since they relinquished their military roles.

Queen Elizabeth Hands Over Power To Prince Charles
“While the Queen is still in excellent health, she is inevitably becoming a little frailer because of her age. Charles and Camilla will be doing much more of the public work on her behalf.”The source added: “The problem for Charles is, unlike with the Queen, some ministers could see fit to leak the contents of these meetings and suggest that the prince is becoming ‘too political’.
“However that is not the case, he is within constitutional rights. His role as heir to the throne is today purely formal – although he maintains the right ‘to be consulted, to encourage and to warn’ Her Majesty’s ministers via regular audiences with the PM and the ministers themselves.

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