Thursday 9 January 2014

Zaron Ready To Strip Yvonne Nelson Off Her Ambassadorial Position…

From one scandal to the other Yvonne Nelson has bathed in the last four days. The sultry actress who just finished fighting a tweet war with a Nigerian blogger is at the moment fighting another major war in her career and this time, it’s about her ambassadorial position with Ghanaian beauty house, Zaron. We heard that the hair and make-up fashion house is not happy with the recent bleaching saga that has trailed the actress recently.

Few weeks ago, the actress was listed as one of the bleaching celebrities. The actress has since made statement that she is not into bleaching “My present skin tone is as a result of the constant use of the famous Queen Elizabeth Cocoa Butter. About 3 years ago, I was fortunate enough to secure a deal to be the ‘Face of Queen Elizabeth Cocoa Butter’ and as part of the contract, I was given a lifetime supply of the body cream. I have therefore been using this cream exclusively for 3 years,
so what you see now is the result of the goodness of Queen Elizabeth. It has simply enhanced my natural complexion rather than bleach it.” But we heard Zaron is not happy still.
It could be recall that a US based website, Atlantic Blackstar featured the actress as one of the celebs that is involved in bleaching. Yvonne Nelson has been linked to several men in the past but the most recent that has also kept her in the news is her linked with Nigerian singer Iyanya. The duo parted ways when Iyanya was said to have left the actress for her close friend who is a Abuja DJ and a music producer. May God help her because questions are arising from several quarters about all her travels which is not good for her business… Na she know.

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